Friday, November 21, 2014

11/21 - F Roads

There are side roads branching off from the Ring Road called "F roads".  F for "fjall", or "mountain".  They are unmarked,  unpaved black gravel roads that usually lead to interesting places. You'll need 4WD, as the gravel is pretty loose. Do not even think of taking a 2WD rental on them. It sounded kind of scary at first, but for the most part our little 4x4 Suzuki Swift handled them well.

If there's a feature you'd like to take a closer look at, and there's an F road that points toward it, you should probably take it. Worst case it gets too scary and you pull a u-turn and get back on your way. Best case, you discover a hidden gem of a location. Also, it's likely that nobody else has thought to check it out, and you get the whole place to yourself.

Today we took a few scenic departures from the Ring Road. Originally I had wanted to go to this place, Eystrahorn, which would be the farthest East we planned on getting on our trip. However I guess it's not as scenic in the winter as it looks in the photos I saw, which must have been taken in the spring.

I was kind of sad about dragging the two of us 40 minutes to nowhere but on the way back Sharon spotted an F road leading to a valley with a small waterfall off to the side. We decided to venture in to have a look. When we got a little further in, a series of three more waterfalls revealed themselves! And, since there was nobody else around and we could see each other's bright jacket from a mile apart, we split off, Sharon scouting further into the valley while I stopped to plonk down my tripod. It was gorgeous.

I still don't even know the name of the location. It wasn't marked. I just dropped a pin on my GPS to look up when I get home.

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