Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Un-Cat Picture

This was kind of a while ago, but I only developed it recently.  Leica M3, Zeiss 50mm f/2 Planar, Ilford HP5+.

A few months ago my cat, Ava, started throwing up several times a day, so I took her to the vet.  The vet told me she might have lymphoma and that we'd better get her tested, but warned up front that there was a chance that the tests would be inconclusive.

Two rounds of testing, two overnight stays, and $1200 in bills later, the tests were inconclusive, so I took her home and started mentally calculating the variables to consider for when I would decide to put her down because surgery was not a very appealing option.

In the meantime, I switched her food to something for sensitive stomachs, and the vomiting immediately stopped.  It turned out, she was just allergic to her food, and two vets had failed to suggest I try changing her diet.

I took this photo while I was waiting for her tests to be done.  She would normally be in the basket around this time of the day, taking in the sun and the sounds of the birds coming in through the windows.  The house was eerily quiet that morning without her yelling for her breakfast.

She's back to normal now, making too much noise and getting fur all over everything.

This is just a reminder that when you take a photo, sometimes what's not included in the frame can be at least as important as what is.

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