Friday, February 6, 2015

On the Tarmac

Olympus XA, Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed to 800

We flew out of JFK airport on Delta.  To get to our gate, we were directed to a shuttle bus that went across the tarmac, crossing paths with luggage carts zipping back and forth and planes taxiing for takeoff and landing.  I'd never been out there before.  I thought being this close to ground level was only for presidents and rappers.

I figured I'd try out the XA's metering -- there was a lot of inside/outside stuff, and I was wondering how the exposure would come out, since I was pushing the film, which would mean some loss of dynamic range.  However, it caught some of everything!  I was expecting everything in the foreground to be a complete silhouette, but it still managed to keep plenty of shadow detail.

Pretty good for a pocket film camera.

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