Thursday, January 9, 2014


Well, here we go -- welcome to The Fickle Frame, everyone!

This is where you'll find photos I've taken, both old and new, along with any thoughts and feelings I have about them.  From time to time I'll be putting in some thoughts on other things, like other photographers, photos, books, gear, or anything else that I encounter.

Normally I like for my photos to speak for themselves, but I'm hoping that my thinking out loud will help both me and you understand a little more about them, and maybe a little more about photography in general.  Now, I'm not a photographer by schooling or by trade -- I am a photographer only by virtue of being a guy with a camera.  My greatest fear is for this blog to ever sound preachy or pretentious, and I welcome any questions or constructive criticism my readers may have.

I have a long lineup of cameras, both film and digital, but my primary weapon of choice is the Fuji X100S.  I shoot lots of different photos, but most of my photography is of the "street" variety.

More on these later.

For now, I'm just glad to have this thing off the ground, after years of occasional poking and prodding and hint-hints from friends to start a blog.

Oh.  Right.

For the time being, chances are good you already know who I am; this all started on my humble little Facebook page, shared only with the 200-or-so people I'd added as friends.  Facebook isn't really the best place for photos to be displayed, but for a while I loved it as a place for photos to be seen.  I'm self-conscious by nature, and Facebook was a comfortable place to be seen without being taken too seriously.  I thought my photos were just a river flowing into the sea.

After a while, people started approaching me and telling me they liked my stuff.  To those people: I've thanked you already, but I thank you again.  You'll be seeing some familiar photos from the past.  I hope my stories and thoughts help shed new light on them and let you look at them again.  This is all the stuff that just wouldn't feel right to put on Facebook.

This is happening because of you.



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