Saturday, April 25, 2015

Back Again

This blog just disappeared for the longest time.  I'm not really sure what my excuse is this time.  Blog fade is real!

Well, maybe.  I just made that term up.  Blogging is one of those things that I tend to do in bursts. I get a sudden surge of enthusiasm and regularly keep up on it for a few weeks, and then I get lazy a few times.  The longer I go in between sessions, the harder it gets to get back on the wagon, and eventually it just drops off entirely.  Also on this list: going to the gym, cleaning the house, washing the car, and flossing.

I'm hoping this will be the beginning of a surge, as I just got back from a trip to Japan and Hawaii, and I have a big pile of film to develop and scan.  Most of it is color film, which I'm currently in the middle of ordering processing materials for.  I had originally planned on taking it all to the lab, but for the money it would cost me, I figured I'd just buy a bigger processing tank and a fresh chemical kit.

Luckily, one of the first rolls I shot was on Ilford HP5+, which I developed today.  On the way out to Japan, we stopped in Oahu for a night and went to the zoo the next day before flying out.  This was where I learned a little bit about animal camouflage -- a lot of these photos just sucked in black and white.  Turns out, there's not much contrast between a giraffe and the trees behind it, even in blazing sun.

So, I have 9 rolls of C-41 in the queue and a 3-roll processing tank on order from B&H.  Let's hope I get through the color stuff soon enough!

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