Friday, July 18, 2014


Yeah, action fell off big time around here.  It was all because I was preparing for the wedding, shooting the wedding, and then actually producing a product from the wedding.  It took an incredible amount of creative energy, and I just could not get myself to do anything else.

I'm going to need some time to get back into the groove.  On the bright side, I'm back with a new camera (the Leica M3) and a new lens (the Voigtlander Ultron 28mm f/1.9, which debuted at the wedding).

Anyway, this is just a quickie post, just for me to get my rhythm back.  These are on the M3, with the Zeiss Planar and Tri-X pushed to 1600.  There was plenty of light, but this was at 1600 because I was planning to shoot some personal stuff in a dim restaurant.

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